
🔥 Real-World Examples: Explore Our Salesforce & ManoMano Case Studies! 🔥 Read Now

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Build reliable systems ready for anything

The Chaos Engineering tool that makes it easy to reveal reliability issues and train system resilience

Explore the platform with a 14-day trial

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Design experiments with a no-code editor

Build a culture of reliability with easy-to-run experiments

With our Experiment Editor, your journey toward reliability is faster and easier. With everything at your fingertips, you have full control over your experiments. See how easy it can be to safely roll out Chaos Engineering across your organization.

  • You can add new targets, attacks, and checks by implementing extensions inside ¾¨Ó㴫ý
  • Choose targets easily with an intuitive discovery and selection process
  • Remove friction when collaborating between teams with experiments written in JSON or YAML

Reveal the Big Picture

Discover, understand, and describe your system

Using ¾¨Ó㴫ý’s landscape, you can see your software’s dependencies and relationships between components – the perfect start to kick off your Chaos Engineering journey.

  • All targets are automatically and continuously discovered
  • Figure out where to start your Chaos Engineering roll-out
  • Easily detect common architecture pitfalls

¾¨Ó㴫ý is available as SaaS and
On-Premises for air-gapped environments.

Run chaos experiments with confidence

Enforce safe testing practices with intuitive controls

It’s never been easier successfully and safely scale Chaos Engineering in your organization. With ¾¨Ó㴫ý, you can limit and control all the turbulence injected into your system.

  • Using the powerful query language, divide systems into different environments based on the same information you use elsewhere
  • Explicitly assigning environments to specific users and teams in which they’re allowed to work and prevent unwanted damages
  • Integrate ¾¨Ó㴫ý with your SAML provider or using the on-prem installation with your OIDC provider

Customize chaos engineering for your tech stack

Make it your own with Open Source extension kits

We treat open source extensions as first-class citizens in our product. They are deeply integrated into the ¾¨Ó㴫ý user interface.

  • Create new extensions with your preferred language, or use our pre-built extensions written in GO
  • 20+ extensions in the Reliability Hub for popular tools, including AWS, Datadog, Kong, Kubernetes, Postman, Prometheus, and more.
  • Use Kits to develop and utilize new discoveries, actions, events, or advice. Make it your own.

Run reliability tests in your daily development

Integrate seamlessly into any CI/CD pipeline

To be successful in your journey toward resilience, you have to continuously assess your reliability. You can make experiments a part of your CI pipeline through our API, GitHub actions, or the ¾¨Ó㴫ý CLI.

  • With our API you can easily create teams, configure your workspace and create & run experiments
  • Use our CLI when integrating ¾¨Ó㴫ý into your CD pipeline and directly create the experiments as code
  • Automatically run experiments on build or deploy jobs

Chaos Engineering Success Stories

Discover how organizations such as Salesforce and ManoMano have achieved unparalleled system resilience and elevated their performance to new heights.

Learn about their experience rolling out chaos engineering.

Get started today

Full access to the ¾¨Ó㴫ý Chaos Engineering platform.
Available as SaaS and On-Premises!

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Book a Demo

Get a personalized demo to see how chaos engineering with ¾¨Ó㴫ý can help you build a culture of reliability.